South Carolina


Happy Headstone Hunting!

  • Click on the name to take you to our page on the individual, if we have one. Women are listed by maiden name (if known) and by married name(s).
  • Click on the birth/deathdates to take you the photo of the gravestone or Find A Grave record.  If there is more than one photo/record, all known ones are listed with a note.
  • Names are in alphabetical order; however, variants of the surname Lumbard are treated as one - with the exception of Lambert.
  • Variants include:  Lumbard, Lombard, Lumberd, Lomberd, Lombart, Lombert, Lumbart, Lumbert, Lumber, Lombar, Lomber, Lambard and Lomebard.


LOMBARD, Barthelemy Edourd1800-1830St. Mary of the Annunciation Cemetery
LOMBARD, Carrie Lou1936-2011Cheohee Baptist CemeteryDuplicate
LOMBARD, Carrie Lou1936-2011Cheohee Baptist CemeteryDuplicate
LOMBARD, (Sgt.) Darrell Edwin1935-1998Belton Cemetery
LOMBARD, (Dr.) Edwin Bryant1956-1993Double Springs Methodist Church Cemetery
LOMBARD, Harry1893-1960Bethany Cemetery
LOMBARD, Helen M.1873-1969Lancaster Memorial Park
LOMBARD, Jeanne1913-1977Woodlawn Memorial Park
LOMBARD, Jessica?-1985Forest Lawn Cemetery
LOMBARD, Jo Anne1966-2010Palmetto Memorial Gardens
LOMBARD, Josie1897-1959Bethany Cemetery
McMAHAN, Carrie Lou1936-2011Cheohee Baptist CemeteryDuplicate
McMAHAN, Carrie Lou1936-2011Cheohee Baptist CemeteryDuplicate
PIKE, Jo Anne1966-2010Palmetto Memorial Gardens
ROCHESTER, Carrie Lou1936-2011Cheohee Baptist CemeteryDuplicate
ROCHESTER, Carrie Lou1936-2011Cheohee Baptist CemeteryDuplicate
SCHLUFTER, Josie1897-1959Bethany Cemetery