

Happy Headstone Hunting!

  • Click on the name to take you to our page on the individual, if we have one. Women are listed by maiden name (if known) and by married name(s).
  • Click on the birth/deathdates to take you the photo of the gravestone or Find A Grave record.  If there is more than one photo/record, all known ones are listed with a note.
  • Names are in alphabetical order; however, variants of the surname Lumbard are treated as one - with the exception of Lambert.
  • Variants include:  Lumbard, Lombard, Lumberd, Lomberd, Lombart, Lombert, Lumbart, Lumbert, Lumber, Lombar, Lomber, Lambard and Lomebard.


BRADDOCK, Elizabeth1800-1860Sacred Heart Cemetery
BRADDOCK, John1788-1859Sacred Heart Cemetery
BRANTLEY, Laura Lou1870-1938Dunn Springs Cemetery
BROWN, Bonita A.1931-1982Green Hill Memorial Gardens
COOPER, Nealy1887-1922Crow Hill Cemetery
FEW, Harriet Fay1921-2014Rose Hill Burial Park & Mausoleum
LAUFFER, Josephine1861-1945Highland Cemetery
LEE, Laura Lou1870-1938Dunn Springs Cemetery
LOMBARD, Bonita A.1931-1982Green Hill Memorial Gardens
LOMBARD, Charles A.1873-1957Evergreen Cemetery
LOMBARD, David K.1972-1978Highland Memory Gardens
LUMBARD, Harriet Fay1921-2014Rose Hill Burial Park & Mausoleum
LAMBARD, Jewell Ruth1917-1951England Cemetery
LOMBARD, Josephine1861-1945Highland Cemetery
LOMBARD, June E.1925-2016Calvary Cemetery
LUMBERT, Laura Lou1870-1938Dunn Springs Cemetery
LUMBARD, (Br.) M.1810-1868Saint Rose Cemetery
LOMBARD, Minnie Hahn1876-1938Evergreen Cemetery
LUMBERT, Nealy1887-1922Crow Hill Cemetery
LUMBARD, Paul Barton1915-1975Rose Hill Burial Park & Mausoleum
LUMBARD, Paula Faye1948-2013Golden Oaks Memorial Gardens
LOMBARD, Richard Frederick II1961-2000Englewood Cemetery
LOMBARD, Robert Todd1967-1969Englewood Cemetery
McCUTCHEON, June E.1925-2016Calvary Cemetery
MULLINS, Paula Faye1948-2013Golden Oaks Memorial Gardens
MULLINS, Ronald G.1947-1998Golden Oaks Memorial Gardens
STORM, Elizabeth1800-1860Sacred Heart Cemetery
WILLIAMS, Jewell Ruth1917-1951England Cemetery